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When an infarction happens in the brain that is known as a cerebral vascular accident or more commonly known as a stroke.

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Q: What is the result of brain infarct on human?
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What is the cause of multi-infarct dementia?

The root cause of multi-infarct dementia is usually small blood clots that lodge in blood vessels in the brain, which results in the death of brain cells.

What is meant by infarct?

that is when a pat dies, the term is most frequently used to describe an area of the heart or brain. An infarct is caused by lack of blood flow (perfusion) or trauma.

How did science came into existence?

Science is the result of human curiosity coupled with the large human brain.

What is the HU value of infract ct ct scan of brain?

the value of infarct is between 15 to 25

What disorder is associated with multi-infarct dementia?

The blockage interrupts the flow of blood to regions of the brain (a stroke ), which, if sustained, causes the death of cells in numerous areas of the brain.

What is a cerebellar infarct?

The word cerebellar refers to the cerebellum. This is also called the Little Brain. The cerebellum, in the back of the brain, controls balance, coordination and fine muscle control (e.g., walking).Damage may cause ataxias (inability to walk in a straight line). An infarct is another name for a small localized area of dead tissue resulting from failure of blood supply. In the case of the brain, a stroke.This person had a stoke in the cerebellum and may have problems with balance and walking.

Does an infarct putrefy?

Generally no, unless blood supply is returned to the area or a supporating bacteria somehow invades the area. One of the more common locations for an infarct is in the kidneys, and the usual chronic result is fibrosis, not putrefaction.

What is an infarct on the posterior part of right capsuloganglionic region?

An infarct on the posterior part of right capsuloganglionic region is a small, localized area that has dead tissue. This area would be located behind the basal ganglia, internal and external capsule of the brain.

What is the cause of multi-infract dementia?

Multi-infarct dementia is one form of dementia that occurs when small blood vessels in the brain are blocked by blood clots or fatty deposits.

What is Cerebellum Infarct?

Cerebellum Infarct or infarction is a clot of an artery in the brain. The cerebellum is the part of the brain which coordinates muscle movement. Infarction is a medical condition in which tissue dies because the arterial blood supply is blocked. This basically means a stroke (from what i have read and been told). This is a more understandable version. to find out more contact you're GP.

What is meant by multu infarct demenTia?

"Multi-Infarct Dementia" means the brain has sustained many or numerous (multi) injuries, generally through Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs) or Strokes, which has produced dementia. It basically means many areas of the brain have small or even tiny areas that cannot transmit nerve signals and cannot function.

Is it possible for a blow to the head to cause a lacunar infarct?

A lacunar infarct affect the central portion of the brain typically due to microvascular occlusion. It is typical not related to trauma. Post traumatic infarcts are usually of the peripheral cortex and/or subcortical white matter. Basically NO.