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New crust is formed on the opposite end of the plate as it is pulled away from its neighbor.

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Q: What is the result of dense pieces of oceanic crust being pulled down to the mantle?
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Oceanic plates diverge?

When oceanic plates diverge an underwater earthquake is the result. Oceanic earthquakes often result in disastrous Tsunamis.

Which can NOT form as the result of oceanic-oceanic convergence?

rift zones

How are convergent plate margins characterized?

Convergent plate margins are characterized as collision zones between plates and may involve continental to continental crust, continental to oceanic crust, or oceanic to oceanic crust. Those that involve oceanic crust result in subduction of the more dense plate into the Earth's mantle. Continental to continental plate collisions result in uplift of the surface features and mountain building and the margin may eventually become welded together.

New oceanic lithosphere forms as a result of?

New oceanic lithosphere forms as a result of continental drift.

When a more dense oceanic plate sinks under continental plate?

This is called a destructive plate boundary. It occurs due to the fact that the oceanic crust is far denser than the continental crust. As a result it subducts into the mantle and is incenerated. Hope it helped:)

What are oceanic-oceanic and oceanic-continental subduction boundaries?

In the scope of lithospheric plate movements, both boundaries are areas where the more dense of the colliding plates slides under the lighter one, and moves toward the mantle. The melting of the subducted crust as it nears the mantle may cause volcanism either on the sea floor or on the continental land mass. Earthquakes will also result as the subducting rocks break and grind their way past the non-subducting plate rock.

Do convergent boundaries create or destroy crust?

That depends! Continental-Continental convergent boundaries result in the formation of fold mountains. Crust here is neither created or destroyed. Continental-Oceanic and Oceanic-Oceanic collision bounsdaries generally lead to the formation of a subduction zone, where the denser plate (usually the older and therefore cooler oceanic plate) sinks back into the mantle and melts so is destroyed (or more accurately recycled).

Do convergent destroy or create crust?

That depends! Continental-Continental convergent boundaries result in the formation of fold mountains. Crust here is neither created or destroyed. Continental-Oceanic and Oceanic-Oceanic collision bounsdaries generally lead to the formation of a subduction zone, where the denser plate (usually the older and therefore cooler oceanic plate) sinks back into the mantle and melts so is destroyed (or more accurately recycled).

What oceanic conditions produce tornadoes?

Tornadoes are not a result of oceanic conditions, they are a result of atmosphereic conditions. See the related question for more information.

How does subduction effect Volcanoes?

Subduction zones involve an oceanic plate sliding beneath either a continental plateor another oceanic plate (that is, the subducted plate is always oceanic while the subducting plate may or may not be oceanic). Subduction zones are often noted for their high rates of volcanism, earthquakes, and mountain building. This is because subduction processes result in melt of the mantle that produces a volcanic arc as relatively lighter rock is forcibly submerged.

What forms to a mantle plume?

Mantle plumes result in the formation of hot spots.

The region where oceanic plate descents is called what?

Its called a subduction zone. Its where two plates meet and one is forced under the other and as a result, it forms a gradual decrease in elevation into the earths mantle, where it is heated up and melted into magma.