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Q: What is the right sequence of steps during infection of plants by nitrogen-fixing bacteria?
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What skin infection couse by bacteria is common during adolescence?


What are the effects of bacteria during infection process?

This bacteria can affect the different organ in our body and cause various diseases

What skin infection caused by bacteria during adolescence?

Acne (boils and spots).

What skin infection caused by bacteria is common during adolescents?

Acne is a bacterial skin infection common during adolescence.

What are the things that help bacteria spread?

1-Skin infection , ex impertigo, bullus impertigo and other skin infection that can lead the bacteria spread a cross the skin into the blood stream, the bacteria traveling into the kidney then can damage the kidney. 2-lack of seeking for medical help to cure them during infection,

What skin infection-cause by bacteria is common during adolescence?

Acne... it shows as 'angry', red, itchy spots.

How does blood infected with bacteria differ from healthy blood?

More white blood cells are produced during an infection

Can bacterial infections be caused by and IUD Or a hormonal imabalnce during time of themonth?

IUD can increase infection but it is from sexual activity introducing the bacteria not menstruation. You must seek a doctor's care if you have a pelvic infection.

Why would a gram stain be ordered during surgery?

to determine a type of bacteria. This question is very vague. I will assume they are doing surgery on something that is infected and to help identify the the bacteria causing the infection, gram stain would be ordered.

Why does the body pull water into the bowel during an infection in the bowel?

It is not the bowel that pulls water per se, it is the bacteria that cause the infection release toxins that disable the water pumps within the cells lining the bowl, causing them to dump water into the bowel.

Why should pregnant women avoid soft cheeses?

Mainly because of the risk of infection with Listeria monocytogenes, a food borne bacteria which can be quite dangerous, especially during pregnancy.

How was penicillin used during world war 2?

Penicillin was a drug that helped eat away bacteria and when soldiers received battle wounds the penicillin helped against infection.