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Q: What is the right to gather peaceably to discuss political of social issues?
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What societies were political clubs in the 1790's that provided safe havens where dissidents could gather to read political tracts discuss political issues and plot political change?

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What freedom of assembly?

The right to gather in groups for any peaceful purpose APEX :)The right to gather, or assemble, in a certain area to discuss (or sometimes protest) certain issues.In colonial America, England prevented the colonists from gathering in large groups, believing they would break laws or cause trouble.The Founding Fathers believed that citizens should have the right to gather and discuss political issues without government sanction.

At what location could you join a form to discuss HR?

This question is not worded in such a way that makes it easy to respond. If one is looking for a place to discuss the issues involving HR, or becoming an HR, there are groups online that gather together to discuss.

How do the Greeks celebrate winter and summer solistices?

All the gods are known to gather on Mount Olympus and discuss the issues. This is followed by a big party. That is how the Greeks celebrate the solistices.

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The Internet helps citizens to gather information about political issues and government services and to communicate with legislators and government leaders.

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They does because it is them who form the part of polices and it is them who discuss all the issues based on the policies to the government departments.

During its early history the British Parliament?

During its early history, the British Parliament was gathered to discuss legal cases and political issues such as taxation of land.

What is Colonial assemblies?

The assembly is where they discuss ideas and issues and settle issues.

What is the colonial assembly?

The assembly is where they discuss ideas and issues and settle issues.

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Epistemology is the science about how we gather knowledge

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What issues did the Iroquois confederacy discuss.?

That is why I came here