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Margot has became frail and miserable there . she almost had a nervous breakdown from the anxiety of living with the relentless rain. In her misery ,she will not play with the other children. They bully her for separateness and refuse to believe her memories of the sun.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The children wouldn't believe what Margot was saying about the sun

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βˆ™ 2y ago

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Q: What is the rising action in all summer in a day?
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What is the rising action in the story all summer in a day?

Margot has became frail and miserable there . she almost had a nervous breakdown from the anxiety of living with the relentless rain. In her misery ,she will not play with the other children. They bully her for separateness and refuse to believe her memories of the sun.

What is the time setting for the action?

Summer 1922

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What is a good sentence for the word rising?

heres an example: the temperature was rising as the hot summer day got closer to the afternoon. you can elaborate if you'd like

When was All Summer in a Day created?

All Summer in a Day was created in 1954-03.

What is the 3 rising actions to all summer a day?

1. The children are waiting for the sun to appear.2. William and the kids bully Margot.3. They lock her in the closet.

What color is most evident in All Summer in a Day?

The color blue is most evident in All Summer in a Day.

Falling action of all summer in a day?

1. Rain falls from the sky again.2. One of the students remember Margot who was trapped in the closet.

What sound is heard the most in All Summer in a Day?

The pattering of the rain is heard most often in All Summer in a Day.

What is Venus being compared to in the book All Summer in a Day?

What is the surface of Venus compared in the book All Summer in a Day

What is the rising of the sun each day?

the rising of the sun is not the sun rising at all. It is actually the earth rotation that causes the sun to a pear to rise

What is the rising action and falling action of May Day eve?

The rising action of "May Day Eve" by Nick Joaquin follows the protagonist Agueda as she tells the story of her past to her daughter and the events leading up to her marriage to a man she didn't love. The falling action occurs as Agueda reflects on the consequences of her actions and the choices she made that ultimately led to her unhappy marriage and the disillusionment in her life.