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For a boy, it's a "Barmitzvah" at 13 and for a girl a "Batmitzvah" at 12. Technically, a boy or girl don't need a formal ceremony to be considered adult according to Judaism, it happens automatically. But, from that age they become responsible to keep Jewish law. For a boy, that means he can count for the minyan (the ten men needed for communal prayer service) and he can read from the Torah. So, almost all boys use the chance of turning Barmitzvah to have their first shot at reading from the Torah. This happens in the synagogue, usually on a Saturday morning. Later that day or a few days later, the family will have a party to celebrate the Barmitzvah. On his birthday, the boy will also start wearing Tefillin (the black leather boxes Jewish men wear for prayer). Girls have less formal responsibility, but often have a special ceremony to commemorate their Batmitzvah. Commonly, the girls read passages of the Torah at a special ceremony (though not from a Torah scroll).

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Q: What is the rite of passage of a boy or girl into adulthood?
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What are bar mitzvah?

When Jewish boy reaches 13 years of age it is rite of passage

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For the same reason as a boy's Bar Mitzvah - the passage of religious female adulthood.

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Jewish boys are accepted into Judaism from the moment they are born. In the Bar Mitzva ceremony when the boy reaches 13 years of age, he becomes fully responsible for his duties as an adult Jew.See also:More about Bar Mitzva

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The poem "A Boy Grows Older" by Yehuda Amichai explores the conflict between youth and adulthood, innocence and experience, and the passage of time. The speaker reflects on the loss of childhood wonder and dreams as he grows older, highlighting the tension between the dreams of youth and the realities of adulthood.

Can you make a 15-year-old boy change his mind about being gay?

No you cannot. A persons sexual orientation is set by nature Teen boys get to know which way they will go by this age and there is no way you can change that. Younger boys will have feelings for the same sex as their rite of passage into adulthood through puberty but by the time they are 15-16 they know for sure if they are straight, gay or bisexual.

Why do people think rites of passage are bad?

Rites of passage certainly have their supporters and enthusiasts, as well as detractors and critics. The basic argument against rites of passage is that one can pass into some new status without a rite; for example, if you believe that a Jewish boy acquires the status of adulthood at the age of 13, that can happen with or without a Bar Mitzvah ceremony (much in the way that legally, Americans are considered to be adult at the age of 18, with no ritual being required, it happens automatically). Rites can be considered superfluous. But then, there are those who enjoy them.

What does he ta mean?

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What should a boy do if he loves a girl but she doesn't know it?

you just go rite up to her and you say i like you and i just wanted you to know that and then ask her wat she thinks...... :)