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DNA contains all your genes (make up DNA) and physical traits. Phenotypes an Genotypes etc. pheno being physical so blue eyes or brown hair. Geno being the type of gene and if its recessive or not. Parts of DNA and genes are given when sperm meets egg and both have recessive and dominant types of gene.

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Q: What is the role of DNA in the tranmission of traits?
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What is the role in DNA in determining an organisms traits?


What is the role of DNA determining an organisms traits?


What is the importance of DNA in the transmission of trait?

The DNA had a large role in the transmission of traits. This is because the DNA is what passes the traits into the organisms offspring.

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because it is the role for DNA

What role does the passing down of traits through DNA have on families and the characteristics they share?

The role that the passing down of traits through DNA have on families, and the characteristics they share is physical appearance such as; height, skin color, hair color, and eye color.

How are traits passed from parents to their offspring?

Traits are passed by DNA.

How does DNA affect an orginsims traits?

DNA determines an organism's traits.

Does DNA control traits?

Chromosomes contain organisms' DNA. DNA is the genetic information that controls the traits of organisms. Chromosomes are found on DNA.

How does dna affect heredity?

DNA carries traits in which are hereditary. Genes are passed through DNA. That is how people have similar traits as their parents, grandparents, and other relatives.

Why does natural selection depend on variations and DNA?

The variations in the DNA are responsible in differences between desirable traits and unwanted traits. Mutations also cause changes in the DNA.

What is the role of DNA in determining and organisms traits?

Yes, the DNA molecule is made up of segments of coding called Genes. Each gene codes to make a different protein or genetic characteristic.

What determines the traits of organisms?