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Q: What is the role of People's Liberation Army in invasion of India?
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Can Indian army win a war against peoples liberation army?

It would depend on the type of war. Could India invade China successfully? I would say probably not. Could the Indian Army repel an invasion by the PLA. I would say probably yes.

What did the Peoples Liberation Army do in 1934?

began its Long March

Is the tibetan government communist?

Tibet was assumed into China following the invasion of Tibet by the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army. As such, it is governed under the Chinese communist system. Tibet's former government, lead by the Deli Lama, still operates in exile in northern India.

Who led the peoples liberation army on the long march?

the answer is Mao Zedong

What is the difference between the peoples liberation army and the Chinese armed forces?

The peoples liberation is made up of regular civilians. The Chinese armed forces is made up of military personnel.

What is the difference from liberation army to normal army?

liberation army is a nationalist army

Why India fears with Pakistan?

India afraid with Pakistan because of Pakistans army and the brave peoples of Pakiatan. India are very much bigger in area,economy,army and every thing but they dont have one thing which Pakistan peoples and army have that they did not afraid of death........ALWAYS AND EVER PAKISTAN ZINDABAD......

When was Caprivi Liberation Army created?

Caprivi Liberation Army was created in 1994.

When did Russian Liberation Army end?

Russian Liberation Army ended in 1945.

When was Ukrainian Liberation Army created?

Ukrainian Liberation Army was created in 1943.

When was Russian Liberation Army created?

Russian Liberation Army was created in 1944.

How can Hong Kong improve their defense?

Hong Kong is defended by the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army and have their barrcks at the Prince of Wales barracks in the north of the territory.