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The Giver holds the memories of the society's past, serving as a repository of knowledge and experience. He is responsible for advising the community's leaders based on the memories he possesses, guiding them in decision-making and providing a historical perspective on issues that arise. Through his role, The Giver helps maintain order and stability in the society.

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Q: What is the role of The Giver in the society. The Giver ch13 through?
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Why is Fiona from the book The Giver is important?

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Why does Jonas in The Giver have pale eyes?

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How are the birth mothers regarded into the community the giver?

In "The Giver," birth mothers are highly respected and valued in the community because of their vital role in bringing new members into society. They are seen as selfless and essential contributors to the well-being of the community.

How does everybody act towards Jonas in The Giver?

People in the community of The Giver treat Jonas with respect and curiosity because of his selection as the new Receiver of Memory. They see him as special and entrusted with a significant role in society. However, they also keep their distance and are cautious around him due to the mystery surrounding his new role.

What was the leaders of the community called the giver?

The leader of the community in "The Giver" is called the Receiver of Memory. This individual holds all the memories of the past and advises the leaders by providing wisdom and guidance. This role is crucial in ensuring the stability and well-being of the society.

What does it mean Increasing levels of obserrtvation the giver?

"increasing levels of observation" in "The Giver" refers to the main character Jonas gaining a deeper understanding of his community and its hidden truths as he takes on the role of the Receiver of Memory. Through this increased observation, Jonas begins to question the strict rules and practices of his society, ultimately leading to his rebellion against the status quo.

The giver what the giver real name?

In Lois Lowry's novel "The Giver," the Giver's real name is never revealed. He is simply known as the Giver, as is the role he plays in the community.