

What is the role of a consumer in a mixed economy?

Updated: 4/9/2020
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they eat everything that the producers make for them

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Q: What is the role of a consumer in a mixed economy?
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mixed economy

What is the role of a consumer in an Economy?

Someone whose role is to use goods and/or services.

Who is the father of the mixed economy?

John Maynard Keynes was the father of a "mixed economy" in which the government plays a crucial role.

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Mixed economy Consumer sovereignty Competition Private property Free market

What role does the consumer play in a free enterprise economy?

a consumerism play very important role in our economy. he create a demand for consumer good , and if he demand then only the goods will produced by producer or business man ,and we know very well that aggregate demand and supply is one of the important part of our economy ,so consumerism play very important role in economy.

All of these are describing what market type of market structure?

Four types of markets are institutional, B2B, consumer, and reseller.

What type of economy is the American economy?

Mixed Economy which means free market system but government still has limited role

What Mixed economy?

A mixed market economy is one in which most decisions are made by producers (firms) and consumers (households), but the government does have a role in the economy: to ensure that equity/fairness takes place and that everything runs smoothly also the Government plays the role of a market / Economy Watcher they sit back and only intervene when needed.

What mixed market economy?

A mixed market economy is one in which most decisions are made by producers (firms) and consumers (households), but the government does have a role in the economy: to ensure that equity/fairness takes place and that everything runs smoothly also the Government plays the role of a market / Economy Watcher they sit back and only intervene when needed.

What is a mixed-market economy?

A mixed market economy is one in which most decisions are made by producers (firms) and consumers (households), but the government does have a role in the economy: to ensure that equity/fairness takes place and that everything runs smoothly also the Government plays the role of a market / Economy Watcher they sit back and only intervene when needed.

What type of economy does the United States have?

The economy of the United States is a mixed economy.