

What is the role of an organelle?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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10y ago

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Each organelle has it's own function. A few popular ones are listed below:

Mitochondria (Plants and Animals)

  • Makes ATP for the cell by "cellular respiration" - involves oxygen and breaking down macromolecules (Protein, Lipids, Carbohydrates) to produce ATP, CO2, and Heat.

Nucleus (Plants and Animals)

  • Protects and stores DNA of the cell
  • Influences cell structure and function
  • Transcribes mRNA and tRNA

Plastids (Plants)


  • Uses the process of photosynthesis to capture light energy
  • stores some starch
  • green pigment


  • Stores starch


  • makes and stores pigments (the reason leaves turn different colours in the fall)
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11y ago
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15y ago

There are many types of organelles in a cell, and they each serve a specific function. The most notable organelles are the mitochondria in eukaryotic cells and the chloroplasts in plants, algae, and protists. Others include the nucleus, vacuoles, Golgi apparatus, and endoplasmic reticulum.

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10y ago

Cell organelles are tiny specialized subunits/ cellular components within a cell that carry out specific functions, generally to maintain an organism's survival.

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10y ago

It performs certain function for the cell for example, chloroplasts help in photosynthesis, mitochondria in respiration ans ribosomes in protein synthesis.

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12y ago

the preform specific functions

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14y ago

They do jobs inside the cell

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