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The chloroplast is the organelle responsible for photosynthesis in plants.

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Q: What role does chloroplast play in a cell?
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What role do cell play in plant?

one roll a cell plays in a plant is chloroplast is produced by chlorophil and that is what makes photosynthesis happen and that is a cell

Which part of the cell contains a green pigment?

The part in plant cells that contains green pigment is chlorophyll. Chlorophyll are in the chloroplast and play an important function in photosynthesis.

What is the role of the chloroplast in a plant cell?

It is what is in charge of photosynthesis and gives off the color green.

Where is the cell is the chloroplast?

Chloroplast is in the cytoplasm of plant cell .

What would be the result if a play cell had chloroplast but lacked mitochondria?

No respiration will take place. Cell will not get energy

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RNA plays a huge role in cell life.

What does a plant cell have that a animal cell doesnt?

chloroplast and cell wall and a LARGE vacoule

Which of the following components is found in plant cells but not in animal cells?

Your question is incomplete -- what are "these parts"

What function do the chloroplasts serve?

The main role of the chloroplast is to conduct photosynthesis.

What plays a role in cell division?

Nuclear division plays a role in cell division.

What plants have cells with cell walls and chloroplast in them?

All plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplast that is what makes them a plant cell!!