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The role of men in Israeli families is multi-faceted and multidimensional, and

there are also many aspects to it.

-- The man in the family is typically the husband of the woman in the family,

and he is also most often the father of the children in the family.

-- The man is often, but not always necessarily, either the only or the primary

'breadwinner' in the family. As one example, if, let us say, the woman in the

family is enrolled in a full time program in pursuit of a university degree, then

the primary financial maintenance of the family is the responsibility of the man

in the family. This situation is common, but it must be noted that if the man in

the family is the one in school, then the woman in the family is the one responsible

for the family's economic well-being. And there are also great numbers of families

in which both the man in the family AND the woman in the family are gainfuly


-- The man in the family is most often the individual who provides the children

with the male role model.

-- In Israeli families that live according to their religion, whether they are

a Muslim, Christian, Baha'i, Hindu, or Jewish family, the role of the man is

to facilitate and demonstrate religious unity with the woman in the family,

in order to provide a solid religious foundation for the children in the family.

Where the man in the family is knowledgeable in their religion, he will often

provide religious leadership within the family, even including some religious

instruction for the children in the family.

-- In Israel, the man in the family is often the individual primarily responsible

for household maintenance and repairs, particularly where these involve hauling

heavy physical loads, exerting large physical forces, or working 'way up there'.

But certainly not always, as huge numbers of women in the families are more

than willing, and are entirely capable, of accomplishing these tasks.

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