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Q: What is the role of slow muscle fibers and fast muscle fibers in the response of a muscle to different types of exercise?
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Does muscle fibers brake down during exercise?

Yes. Strenuous exercise can kill the muscle fibers. Such muscle fibers are replaced by fibrous tissue.

Muscle fibers contract and relax in response to what?

nerve impulses

The enlargement of muscle fibers as a result of physical exercise is called?


What make up nervous muscle tissue?

Muscle tissue made up of elongated muscle fibers, fibers that contract in response to stimuli. Nervous Tissue is made up of neurons and neurological cells.

How does repeated exercise affect the amount of work that muscles can do?

When you exercise, you tear muscle fibers. Over time, these muscle fibers become thicker to prevent tearing. This is why your biceps bulge - it's actually just strands of muscle that have been torn through exercise and then grown back. Thicker muscles = more strength.

What makes up muscle tissue?

Muscle tissue made up of elongated muscle fibers, fibers that contract in response to stimuli. Nervous Tissue is made up of neurons and neurological cells.

When a single neuron sends a strong enough impulse to a muscle that how many muscle fibers does it cause to contract?

This will depend upon the number of muscle fibers the nerve innervates. However, all fibers innervated by the nerve should contract in response to the neuronal impulse.

What type of exercise do we use Fast twitch muscle fibers?

Strength and power exercise like weight lifting requires the explosive release of energy yielded by fast-twitch muscle fibers. Slow-twitch muscles are involved in endurance activity.

What type of muscle fibers are there?

You have three types of muscle fibers. 1) Skeletal muscle fibers. 2) Cardiac muscle fibers. 3) Smooth muscle fibers.

What types of fibers are there?

You have three types of muscle fibers. 1) Skeletal muscle fibers. 2) Cardiac muscle fibers. 3) Smooth muscle fibers.

What types of muscle are there?

You have three types of muscle fibers. 1) Skeletal muscle fibers. 2) Cardiac muscle fibers. 3) Smooth muscle fibers.

How can exercise change muscle strength?

Muscle strength depends on the thickness of the fibers and the number of fibers contract at one time. And in order to compensate for the added work load,myofibrils are added in in order to increase the thickness of the fibers (more myofibrils,more thickness), hence a stronger muscle.