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When you exercise, you tear muscle fibers. Over time, these muscle fibers become thicker to prevent tearing. This is why your biceps bulge - it's actually just strands of muscle that have been torn through exercise and then grown back.

Thicker muscles = more strength.

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Q: How does repeated exercise affect the amount of work that muscles can do?
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How does the muscular system respond to exercise long and short term?

when you exercise, your muscles get bigger and stronger. if you lay off the exercise, then your muscles get smaller and weaker. wrong That is a silly answer. When you exercise your muscle tone increases. This is due to the muscles tearing during exercise, the muscles then heal and this leads to a build in your muscle tone. This however happens whilst you are resting not when you are exercising. This happens due to the muscles taking knocks during exercise due to the amount of pressure and tension put on the muscles when. This makes the muscle pick up slight knocks. Once healed, they come back bigger and stronger so that the muscle can cope with that amount of pressure and tension put on it before for another time. The tendons will also get stronger as they are being active. The voluntary muscles will begin to function more efficiently and function at greater ease with regular exercise. This is because the brains reaction time will increase if it is regularly used.

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when you exercise then the blood in your body flows faster and the heart pumps the blood at a faster pace to get the oxegenated blood to move throughout your body. with out this oxegenated blood moving throught your body your muscles will stop working.if our blood flowed normally then it would take longer for the blood to reach your muscels and and they would respond slower.

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To keep oxygen going to your cells and muscles in the needed amounts.

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The only way to increase the amount of time before your muscles fatigue is to slowly increase the amount of time you workout. You should also increase your fluid intake during your exercise routine.

Why is it important to exercise both muscles in pair?

It is important because both muscle's are a pair, So they should both be exercised in a pair for the equal amount of strength in both muscles.

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so they both have the same amount of strength and muscle tone

What are micro tears in muscle?

The destruction of the micro-filaments (actin, myosin) in a muscle cell that enable it to contract. The destruction of these filaments prevent the function of that muscle cell. A large amount of micro tears in a large amount of muscle cells contributes to the soreness present during weight training and is what triggers the body into producing stronger muscles.