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This substance serves as a bleaching agent in this application, since it is a source of active oxygen. Please see the link.

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Q: What is the role of sodium perborate in detergents?
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What chemical cleaner have boron in it?

Many types of detergents contain sodium borate or perborate.

What is the chemical property of sodium perborate?

Sodium perborate is an oxydant.

What is the chemical name of Na2BO3?

Sodium perborate

Where to buy powdered Sodium Perborate in bulk?

Search in your country an office of Merck Millipore or a retailer of chemical products.The catalog number is 1065609050 for 50 kg sodium perborate.

What is the role of sodium silicate in detergent powder?

Sodium silicate serves as a builder in some detergents when used in high concentrations. When used in lower concentrations, it inhibits corrosion and adds crispness to detergent granules.

Give an example of biodegradable and non-biodegradable detergents?

Detergents that can be degraded by bacteria are called biodegradable detergents. Such detergents have straight hydrocarbon chains. For example: sodium lauryl sulphate Detergents that cannot be degraded by bacteria are called non-biodegradable detergents. Such detergents have highly-branched hydrocarbon chains. For example: sodium -4- (1, 3, 5, 7- tetra methyl octyl) benzene sulphonate

Sodium perborate trihdrate same as sodium perborate tetrahydrate?

Very similar, but not identical. The term "hydrate" means that there are water molecules associated with the sodium perborate. In the first case, the "tri" means that there are 3 water molecules, and in the second case, the "tetra" means there are 4 water molecules.If you are making an aqueous solution of this material, it will make no difference in its properties (if not, it is possible it could matter that there is extra waters, I'm not sure about that). One thing that certainly does change is the molecular weight -- make sure to calculate the molecular weight properly including the right number of waters.

What is the role of alkaline pH in detergents?

Detergents wih a high pH are recommended for greases cleaning.

Why does Sodium methyl sulfate make poor detergents?

Sodium methyl has a very low water solubility.

Are detergents alkaline or acidic?

Detergents are generally sodium (sometimes potassium) salts of higher (long chained) fatty acids. They are alkaline in nature.

Is laundry borax the same as baking soda?

No. Borax is sodium borate (Na2B4O7) baking soda is sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)

What is chlorox made of?

"Clorox" is a company that makes numerous cleaning products. so to ask what clorox is made of is not a real question. clorox MAKES bleach, but that was not the question was it?