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A very good question, one that is often misunderstood by those who are not members of the LDS faith.

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that God calls prophets to lead His people today just as He did in ancient times. Prophets are essential to having the proper priesthood authority and keys upon the earth in order for the church of Jesus Christ to function correctly.

The prophet's role is to be the mortal head of the Church (Jesus Christ being the true head). He recieves revelation from God in behalf of the church or the world as a whole, and then delivers this revelation to the people. This revelation is counsel, warning, or reminders that God wishes His people to hear. The prophet's role is NOT to direct individuals or small groups except in the case of appointments to leadership positions or mission locations within the church. Mormons do not see the prophet as a 'go between' or 'mediator' between God and man. The Church's official topics and background site says this about the prophet: "Belief in prophets and apostles at the head of the Church does not mean that members blindly follow their leaders. While the prophet of God receives revelation and inspiration to guide the Church as a whole, revelation flows at every level, including to the leaders of congregations and to individual families and members. In fact, individual members are expected to seek that kind of divine guidance to help them in their own lives, in their responsibilities in the Church and even in temporal pursuits, including their occupations. Members are also expected to prayerfully seek their own "testimony" or conviction of the principles their leaders teach them."

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