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Q: What is the role of the lone deacon in a baptist church when the senior pastor dies?
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They probably have a funeral for the pastor, then get another one. In my experience, the above answer held. When my church's former senior pastor passed away, we held a funeral for him. Afterward, we kept praying for a new senior pastor to lead our church, and one year later, God answered us by choosing one Holy Spirit-filled pastor out of more than eighty applicants.

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Jesus Christ. Really. There is no Pope-like figure of all Baptists. This is because of the teachings of the Bible, such as the Priesthood of all believers and a direct releationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ the Son.

What is the duties of a junior deacon in the church?

We have what is called a Deacon in training. These men are set aside for one year and observed by the pastor, the deacon body and the church body. During this time the person is instructed in the responsibilities and duties of a deacon. After one year a decision is made to weather the person is qualified to be a deacon, if yes then they are ordained. During the ordination a body of pastors and deacons question the person and make the decision.