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Q: What is the role of the neuron and the spinal cord and brain?
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What is the primary means for transmitting messages between the brain and the rest of the body?

Nerves. There are a lot of nerves going from the brain to the rest of the head: eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, cheeks, muscles, and so forth. To connect with the rest of the body, all those nerves from the brain form a tight rope-looking organ called the spinal cord - so called because it runs down the inside hollow part of the spinal column.

What role does the brain play in a reflex response?

withdrawal reflex involves the processing of brain. it integrates with cerebellar activity

What is the role of the vertebral column?

Is to protect the spinal cord

What are the main functions for the spinal cord?

The spinal cord is the mechanism by which your brain communicates with all the parts of your body, below the base of your skull. It's how you get your fingers to move when you're typing. Your toes to move while balancing. Your legs to move when running. Everything your body does is accomplished by your brain communicating with your body through the spinal cord. Even involuntary functions like your lungs breathing, your digestive functions, everything.

What does spinal cord do for humans?

It plays a major role in our nervous system.

Do reflexes occur in the spinal cord?

the spinal cords role in reflexes is to help you move about when it is needed when reacting to a stimuli

What is the role of zinc in febrile seizures?

Children with febrile seizures have been found to have decreased zinc levels in both the serum and the cerebrospinal fluid, which is the fluid that bathes the brain and the spinal cord.

What is the spinal cord a extension of what?


Forms nerves and the brain?

The nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves connected throughout the body. It processes sensory information, controls responses, and coordinates bodily functions. The brain, in particular, plays a central role in regulating thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

What role do spinal tracts play in the peripheral nervous system?

Spinal tracts are communication pathways. There are numerous tracts and they carry messages from the body to the brain and from the brain to the body.

What is the structure of a neuron and its role in the brain?

A neuron has dendrites (as inputs), a cell body (soma), and an output (axon).The neuron is the functional unit of the brain: neurons receive sensory information, process that information, store it, and convey commands to muscles and glands based on that information and its processing.

Ciliated CNS nuroglia tht play an active role in moving CSF are?

Ependymal cells are arranged in single-palisade arrays and line the ventricles of the brain and central canal of the spinal cord. They are usually ciliated, their cilia extending into the ventricular cavity.