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Q: What is the role of the oldest and the youngest at the Jewish passover?
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You are a son or daughter what other family roles do you have?

Well it depends on how many siblings you have if you are the oldest you are a role model an advice giver and a shoulder to cry on. If you are the youngest you can still be a role model of some sort.

What are the differences between Christmas and Passover?

Answer 1It's much easier to answer this question by saying that there is no similarity whatsoever, between the concepts or practice of the Christian Christmas and the Jewish Passover. So I'll let you come up with your own list of features and characteristics, and I'll tell you right now that according to every one of those, the two are different.Answer 2Easter has a connection to Passover in that "the Last Supper" was a Passover Seder and occurred not long before the Crucifixion. Christmas, however, is entirely unrelated to Passover.

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The perform the wedding ceremony.

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In Portugal the oldest child does not have any specific role. Not cultural not even a special legal status. Its is expected, though, that the oldest child, specially if a male, protect his younger siblings.

What prophet plays a significant symbolic role in the passvcer seder?

Eliyahu plays a very minor symbolic role that isn't actually specific to the holiday of Passover.

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Judaism does not feel that Jesus fulfilled any part of the role of the Jewish Messiah. It is Christianity and Islam that assert that he did.

What was Elijah's role in Jewish history?

Elijah's role in Jewish history is that he was a prophet who made fire descend down from heaven. Feared for his lfe when threatened by jezebel.

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Honor Blackman, most famous for her role as Pussy Galore in Goldfinger, is one of the oldest at 82.

How is Jewish Christmas celebrated?

There is no such thing as "Jewish Christmas". As Jesus plays no role whatsoever in Judaism, there is no Jewish holiday celebrating his birth.

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Matt Smith, at 26 he is the youngest actor to play the role of The Doctor.

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Manny is Greg and Rodrick's youngest brother