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to distribution the temperature in round bottom flask

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13y ago

Porcelain chips (or another material) are added to assure a nonviolent boiling.

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Q: What is the role of the porcelain chips in the flask?
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Why are porcelain chips put into the round bottomed flask?

Porcelain chips (or another material) are added to assure a nonviolent boiling.

What are porcelain chips for?

Porcelain chips are used to avoid splashing during boiling of liquids.

Why must porcelain chips be heated first in dehydration of ethanol?

To make sure that there is no liquid in the porcelain chips that would evaporate during the dehydration of ethanol which can cause the experimenter to wrongly believe that the ethanol dehydrated more than it actually did.

Why you use the porcelain chips as the catalyst for the dehydration of ethanol?

oxidation n reduction of ethanol

What to look for when checking for flaws in porcelain figurines?

paint chips, cracks wore out parts, etc.

Who is a candidate for porcelain veneers?

Candidates for porcelain veneers must have strong, healthy teeth. If the teeth are yellowed or stained, have small chips and are slightly crooked or misaligned, then you may be a candidate for veneers.

What chips less porcelain or stoneware?

Porcelain is a very fine and delicate clay body and as such is more likely to chip than stoneware which contains grog, a pre fired clay, that strengthens the piece.

How porcelain has been used to make false teeth and its role in the future?

it is used to make a tooth shaped model with porcelain and the dentist screws it on.

Why are boiling chips placed in distilling flask during distillation?

They provide a site for nucleation and prevent the liquid from superheating.

What are the Sources of error in distillation?

boiling chips are not added to the distillation flask. the thermometer bulb is placed in the boiling liquid. the water to the water-jacketed condenser is not turned on.

Why is aluminium or broken porcelain used in cracking?

They have the role of a support for catalysts; I suppose that you think to aluminium oxide.

What role did a daimyo have in the middle ages?

they ate fish and chips :D