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She was the goddess of the hearth fire and she was worshiped in the home

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Q: What is the roman goddess' vesta's special powers?
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Where was the roman goddman of vestas?

Vesta is the equivalent of Hestia. She is the goddess of the hearth as such.

What special powers did the Roman goddess Venus have?

To inspire love in humans.

Does the Roman goddess Flora have any special powers?

the goddess flora has the power of spring time and flowers .

When was the roman goddess Vesta featured in mythology?

All Roman's and Greeks made daily sacrifices or gifts to Vesta/Hestia. She was the Roman and Greek goddess of the home, the hearth(fire) and food. In late 1800's during Victoria's reign there was actually a brand of matches under the name od Vestas; after the goddess.

What are the Roman goddess Minerva's weaknesses and special powers?

Minerva was the goddess of wisdom and crafts and was recognized in the city of Rome as the goddess of war. She was rational and sometimes a defender of wars. Her weakness was a tendency to be out of touch with her emotions.

What are the Roman goddess Minerva's powers?

She was the virgin goddess of poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, weaving, crafts, magic, and the inventor of music.

What did Juno the Roman goddess do?

Juno was an ancient Roman goddess, the protector and special counselor of the state. She is a daughter of Saturn and sister (but also the wife) of the chief god Jupiter and the mother of Juventas, Mars, and Vulcan. Her Greek equivalent is Hera.She was the goddess of godsJuno was the goddess of marriage, hearth, family and childbirth in Roman mythology. She is considered to be equivalent to the goddess Hera of Greek mythology. SHE WAS KNOWN FOR HER BEAUTY, BUT ALSO, SHE WAS VERY MEAN

What was hera the roman goddess favorites?

Hera was a Greek Goddess, her Roman counterpart was Juno. Juno was the protector and special counselor of the state. Her aspect was war like.

What are special qualities?

Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Her Roman name was Venus.

Who is the roman goddess mother of the muses?

The Goddess of the mother of the muses is Mnemosyne. Mnemosyne is also the goddess of memory. She is very important and anyone with special memory's worshiped her and sacrificed things for her

What are Aphrodites special qualities?

Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Her Roman name was Venus.

Who was the Roman goddess of the hearth and grain?

The Roman goddess of the hearth was Vesta. The Roman goddess of grain was Ceres.