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The first letter is allways capital.

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Q: What is the rule about capital and lower case letters in chemical symbols?
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Generally, a secured password must incorporate a mix of capital letters, lower case letters, symbols, and numerical digits.

Why do some symbols of some elements have two letters rather than one?

Some chemical elements have two-letter symbols. The first is written as a capital, and the second small (lower case). Examples: gold = Au iron = Fe

How many capitalletters does a elements have?

Chemical elements and compounds are written with lower case letters. Only for chemical symbols do you use capitals, such as Cu for copper, etc.

What do the capital and lower case letters in a punnet square represent?

capital letters are dominant traits. Lower case letters are recessive traits.

Is kcI a compound?

Did you mean KCl ? it's ionic.

What is the pH value of h2o?

First of all , what is 'h2o' ? If you mean 'water' , then the correct formula is 'H2O'. Note the CAPITAL letters. When expressing chemical symbols, one letter symbols are always a CAPITAL letter, hence hydrogen is 'H' not 'h'. Similarly oxygen. Two letter symbols are always written as , first letter is a Capital letter and the second letter is small/lower case. e,g, sodium (Na) neither 'na' nor 'nA'. The pH of water is '7' . It is at neutrality.

Do we use lower-case letters or capital letters at the start of sentences?

capitals letters Bu soruya cevap...

What is another name given to small letters?

I work at a Kindergarten school...and we call them....guess what? lower case letters!!!

What is the upper case later and lower case laters?

Upper case letters are letters which are in capital format. You can define upper case letters by saying big letters. You can switch to upper case letters by holding shift and/or typing letters while caps lock key on. Lower case letters are letters which are not capital and can be defined by not applying Shift.

What is upper case and lower case characters?

These are upper case letters, a.k.a. capital letters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ These are lower case letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz They got those names because back in the days of manual typesetting, typesetters stored the capital letters in the upper case and the others in the lower case.

How do you record dominant and recessive alleles?

You record dominant alleles with capital letters and recessives with lower case letters.

What does capitidize mean?

Use capital letters, example "A" instead of a. (lower case)