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Q: A number that is lower and smaller than the letter symbols in a chemical formula that shows how many atoms of a substance are in a molecule is called a?
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A number that is lower and smaller than the letter symbols in a chemical formula that shows how how atoms of a substance are in a molecule is called?


A number that is lower and smaller than the letter symbols in a chemical formula that shows how many atoms of a substance are in a molecule is called?


What is a chemical change in which a larger substance is broken down into smaller substances?

Decomposition reactions involve the breakdown of one larger molecule into several smaller molecules.

Whats the smallest unit of a substance that behaves like a substance?

A molecule of the substance. An atom of an element may exhibit different characteristics when it is bound to other atoms of the same element. Examples are common oxygen (O2) and ozone (O3) with altered chemical properties. Or carbon as graphite (hexagonal lattice) and diamond (tetrahedral lattice), which demonstrate very different physical properties.

What is a mixture in which a substance does not dissolve but does not break into smaller pieces?

a molecule

Is iodine larger than glucose?

iodine cells are smaller then glucose ------- I would take exception to the first answer. Iodine is clearly smaller because it exists as a diatomic molecule I2 while glucose is a molecule of 24 atoms, having the chemical formula C6H12O6.

Subscripts in a molecular formula represent the number of atoms of an element in a molecule?

That's right. When you have a chemical formula, such as SO4, the formula for Sulfate, the subscript means that there are four Oxygen atoms for every one Sulfur atom. Also, when you have really big molecules that are made up of several smaller molecules in them, such as Iron Sulfate, the subscript goes just outside of parenthesis surrounding the smaller molecule's own formula, like this: Fe2(SO4)3

Smallest piece of matter?

The smallest part of any chemical element that can exist is an atom of that element. The smallest part of a chemical compound that can exist is a molecule of that compound.

What Type of chemical reaction in which a compound is broken into smaller substance?

Its a decomposition reaction

Is soulubility a physical property?

Yes it is a physical property. solubility is just one substance dissolving into another. Since there is no change to the chemical formula of the compound, it is a physical change. something dissolving just breaks the chemical into smaller pieces and has no affect on the chemical makeup of whatever is dissolving.

What happens when a clear substnace undergoes a chemical change?

It is no longer that same substance. A chemical changes the identity of the substance. Individual atoms cannot be broken down into smaller parts by normal physical or chemical change.

Enzymes split large molecules into two or more smaller molecules by adding water through which type of reaction?

Hydrolysis is the reaction that stems from the breakdown of large molecules by the enzymatic addition of water. Hydrolysis is step leading to the degradation of the substance. It is a chemical reaction in which a molecule of water is added to a substance. At times water and the substance will split and one part of the parent molecule will receive one hydrogen ion.