

What is the rule of eletric charge?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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This law was first discovered by Charles Augustin de Coulomb. It explains that all magnetic objects have the tendency to repel or attract to one another. Like charges repel one another and unlike charges attract one another.

The attraction or repulsion occurs in a straight line, there is a force between the charges and the bigger the charges the greater the force.

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12y ago

Electrons flow from an area of higher potential (more electrons) to an area of lower potential (less electrons). The difference in these potentials is called Voltage.

Inside a battery a chemical reaction forces electrons to build up on one side (the negative terminal) When a wire connects to two ends of the battery electrons flow from the negative terminal through the wire to the positive terminal. Doing this with just a standard piece of copper wire (this is called a "short") will cause the battery to have to work very hard to keep the electrons at the negative terminal and it will very quickly oxidize the metal inside and go dead. The speed that the electrons move through the wire (More accurately, the number of electrons moving through the wire) is called the Current and is measured in Ampires or Amps.

Electrons do not flow through the entire wire, instead an electron will move to the valance band (the outermost band of electrons in an atom) That atom then has an extra electric charge on it and will kick an electron out to the next.

If a valance band of the atom is full, that type of material is considered to be an Insulator, on the other hand, if the valance band of an atom is near empty, it is considered to be a good Conductor. Different materials allow for better electron flow. This is called Resistance and is measured by the Ohm. Gold is the best conductor of electricity followed by Silver, Aluminum then copper. Because of the expense of gold and silver they are not often used as wire, aluminum is too brittle and will break, so must wires are made of stranded copper wires which allow it flexibility at less cost than silver or gold. Some electrical terminals will be gold plated to prevent oxidation from happening.

Voltage = Amps x Ohms or V = IR (I is the nomenclature for current)

Tungsten (if I remember correctly) is a high resistance metal that will glow red hot with enough electric current passing through it. This is the metal used in toasters and electric stoves. That same effect causes light bulbs to burn bright.

Another attribute of electricity is that it has a magnetic field. careful manipulation of these fields can make a motor turn, or in reverse, a generator that turns magnets can create electron flow.

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8y ago

Electric charges can neither be created nor destroyed. Electric charges are quantized. So it is an integral multiple of elementary charge whose value is 1.602 x 10^ -19 C.

Moreover there are two kinds of charges. They are positive and negative. Like charges repel and unlike do attract each other

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12y ago

current is charged at a faster rate

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