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To find words that mean the same as other words you can consult a thesaurus. Words which mean the same as other words are called synonyms. offers the following synonyms for humble: apprehensive, backward, bashful, biddable, blushing, content, courteous, deferential, demure, diffident, docile, fearful, gentle, hesitant, lowly, manageable, mild, modest, obliging, obsequious, ordinary, polite, quiet, reserved, respectful, retiring, reverential, sedate, self-conscious, self-effacing, servile, sheepish, shy, simple, soft-spoken, standoffish, submissive, subservient, supplicatory, tentative, timid, timorous, tractable, unambitious, unobtrusive, unostentatious, unpretentious, and withdrawn .

For humility it suggests: abasement, bashfulness, demureness, diffidence, docility, fawning, inferiority complex, lack of pride, lowliness, meekness, mortification, nonresistance, obedience, obsequiousness, passiveness, reserve, resignation, self-abasement, self-abnegation, servility, sheepishness, shyness, subjection, submissiveness, subservience, timidity, timorousness, unobtrusiveness, and unpretentiousness.

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Q: What is the same as humble and humility?
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Need humility to admit the need of courage, and you need courage to be humble.

What is the comparative and superlative form of humble?

from a noun word humble,it will be humility in adjective

What is adjective forms of humility?

HUMBLE is the adjective form of HUMILITY.

What is the difference between humble and humility?

Gramatically speaking, humble is an adjective; humility is a noun.Humble means having meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or spirit.Humility is the state or condition of being humble.A humble person is one who has humility.

Is the word humble a noun or an adjective?

Humble is an adjective. Humility is a noun.

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What is the suffix for humble?

The abstract noun form for the adjective humble is humbleness.The abstract noun form for the verb to humble is the gerund, humbling.A related abstract noun is humility.

Are sheeps humble?

Yes, but only if they have their humility hats on.

What is the opposite of pride?

the opposite of pride (to be proud) is humility (to be humble).

Do you think according to you being humble is good or bad?

According to me, humility like all things is best in moderation. Humility is a good thing if it's not excessive; too much humility is false behavior due to our natural egos. Too little humility can lead to egotism, also best in moderation. So, according to me too humble is bad; not humble enough is bad; being moderately humble is good.

What is relative humility?

It is the comparison of how humble a person should be to how humble he is. An Egotist has a low relative humility. The phrase is a play on relative humidity, a comparison of the amount of water in air that is present compared to how much could be contained at that pressure and temperature. The same witticism works as relative "humanity"

What is opposite of pride?

the opposite of pride (to be proud) is humility (to be humble).