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Q: What is the scala media of the ear?
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What inner ear structure picks up vibrations of fluid in the cochlea and transmits them as sensory impluse to the brain?

Scala tympani is one of the perilymph-filled cavities in the cochlear labyrinth of the human ear. It is separated from the scala media by the basilar membrane, and it extends from the round window to the helicotrema, where it continues as scala vestibuli.The purpose of the perilymph-filled scala tympani and scala vestibuli is to transduce the movement of air that causes the tympanic membrane and the ossicles to vibrate, to movement of liquid and the basilar membrane. This movement is conveyed to the organ of Cortiinside the scala media, composed of hair cells attached to the basilar membrane and their stereo cilia embedded in the tectorial membrane. The movement of the basilar membrane compared to the tectorial membrane causes the sterocilia to bend. They then depolarise and send impulses to the brain via the cochlear nerve. This produces the sensation of sound.

Is it true or false that The cochlea is a liquid-filled cavity in the inner ear.?

The walls of the hollow cochlea are made of bone, with a thin, delicate lining of epithelial tissue.

In the human body field what is the fluid perilymph?

Perilymph is a fluid present in the scala vestibuli and scala tympani which are the perilymph compartments of the inner ear. It has the same ionic concentration as the extracellular fluid present in the entire body

What is a bacterial infection in the middle ear called?

The term for a middle ear infection is Otitis Media

What membranous labyrith carries auditory information to the brain?

The closest answer to this is the cochlear duct (scala media) where the tectorial membrane is located

What is periymph?

Perilymph is an extracellular fluid located within the cochlea (part of the ear) in 2 of its 3 compartments; the scala tympani and scala vestibuli. The ionic composition of perilymph is comparable to that of plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. The major cation of perilymph is sodium.

Which form of otitis media involves a buildup of pus in the middle ear?

If the middle ear, which is normally sterile, becomes contaminated with bacteria or viruses, pus and pressure in the middle ear can result, and this is called acute otitis media or suppurative otitis media.

What is the medical term meaning inflammation of the lining of the middle ear?

Otitis media is the medical term meaning inflammation of the lining of the middle ear. This condition is what we typically think of as a child's ear infection.

How tall is Branden Scala?

Branden Scala is 6'.

Where in Italy La Scala opera theatre?

Teatro alla Scala, commonly known as La Scala is in Milan

When was Scala Theatre created?

Scala Theatre was created in 1905.

When did Scala Theatre end?

Scala Theatre ended in 1969.