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Q: What is the scale that accurately rates the size of seismic waves only for small nearby earthquakes?
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What is the death rates in earthquakes?

it depends on how you mesure it.

What is the scale that rates earthquakes?

The Richter scale. For larger earthquakes (magnitude greater than 7) and for those with an epicentral distance greater than 700 km from the seismometer station, the Moment magnitude scale is used.

What are the instrument used to record seismic waves?

A seismometer (or the older device called a seismograph) records the seismic waves from earth tremors.+++There is a difference there: a seismometer would simply register instant vibration; a seismograph records the vibrations with time so shows the whole picture.

What is a scale that rates earthquakes by estimating the total energy released?

The the Moment Magnitude scale

Have tsunamis scale of Richter?

No. The Richter Scale rates the intensity of earthquakes. There is not intensity scale for tsunamis.

Disadvantages of time value of money?

The disadvantages of time value of money are not knowing the interest rates or growth projections of money. It is impossible to forecast accurately inflation rates.

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Property rates can rise due to increases in unemployment, high intrest rates, changes in government policies and market changes. If stores nearby go out of business or start losing business, rates for the other businesses will rise.

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"Compared to the rest of the country, Chicago seems to have decent mortgages rates. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be enough information about this to accurately for an opinion on this subject."

What scale rates the size of seismic waves?

Most scientists use a machine called a seismograph which has a pen on the end and moves when there is shaking from the seismic waves. It records the shaking on a rotating paper called a seismogram. The up and down lines you see sometimes are drawn by the seismograph.

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Death rates can change unexpectedly due to disease, wars and catastrophes, or advances in medicine. Birth rates are declining too.

Do automatic blood pressure monitors measure irregular heart rates accurately?

No, manual measurements of heart rates done by professionals are better in detecting irregularities. An Electrocardiogram (ECG) machine can get accurate readings as well.

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