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Science is the blessing as well a curse because people uses technology for there evil purposes (make bombs and arms to kill peoples and for robberies) as well as good purposes (making mobile phone for those who are far from his home).

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Q: What is the science is the blessing of mankind?
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How can science be a bane to mankind?

Science & Technology bane the world

What did science give to mankind?

Science allows people to know more about the environment. For example, without science, there will not be electricity for us to use.

Is science a blessing?

Science is a blessing of the human race, it aids in our explanation in how this universe acts or reacts and allows us the potential to compensate for the good and bad that may come of it. If people question how accurate science is, you have a good mind and people should commend you not shun you. Science is based on the scientific method which is observations of a phenomena through controlled environments. The keywords are observations and controlled, essentially science is assumptions based on a consistent probability observed during an experiment. Thus anything in this universe cannot be 100% proven, just that its observations are consistent enough that we assume that it is 100%. Therefore everything takes a leap of faith regardless if you believe science or theology is the you means of believing. Likewise I cannot prove that electricity is the movement of electrons or electrons have a specific mass, rather I can make use controlled experiments that offer consistent observations to support this idea. Again, everything is probable not 100% possible and because science requires faith, science is part of god

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