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Q: What is the science that determines what cosmic objects are made of?
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What science tries to determine what cosmic objects are made of?


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Carl Anderson made a lot of discoveries that contributed to the science world. First of all he made investigations about cosmic rays. Second, he unexpedly he discovered partical tracks in his cloud chamber.

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noone determines it. If it's made in the U.S then, well, its made in the U.s

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Objects made by people are often called "man made objects".

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If by format you mean extension, the thing that determines it is the application it was made with/opens with.

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yes the planets are made of matter, all objects are made of matter

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Did Hugh Marlowe Ever Do Educational Science Movies For Schools?

It was Richard Carlson along with Dr. Frank Baxter Made by Frank Capra for Bell Science films, "Hemo the Magnificent" (1957) and "The Unchained Goddess" (1958). Also see a clip from "Strange Case Of The Cosmic Rays" (1957):

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What are metal objects made of?

Their are no objects made of metal, anything that claims to be made of metal is a talking object, and that's weird.