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Q: What is the scientific definition for translucent?
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What is the Scientific definition of an translucent object?


Why can't we see though translucent things?

We can; that is the definition of translucent.

What is the Scientific definition of an opaque object?

* Opaque Means That Light Cant Pass Through It. * Is not transparent or translucent. * E.g. A Brick wall. * A Wooden Door

What is translucent and opaque definition?

Opaque means not allowing vision or light through. Translucent means allowing light, but not vision.

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The scientific definition of hair is fossil fuels

Is hand sanitizer translucent?

Uhm, the definition of translucent is "allowing light to pass through diffusely," so I guess most hand sanitizers are translucent since if you drip some on a window the light will go through...

What is translucent lighting?

The dictionary has a clear definition for translucent lighting. It means permitting light to pass through but diffusing it so that persons, objects, etc., on the opposite side are not clearly visible.

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What is the scientific definition of create?

It is the same as the Dictionary definition.

What is the scientific definition of purification?

The scientific definition of purification is, the extraction of one specific substance from a mixture of substances.

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Alabaster is a fine-grained, translucent variety of gypsum, a mineral composed of calcium sulfate.

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