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The scientific name for the short-beaked echidna is Tachyglossus aculeatus.

The scientific name for the long-beaked echidna is Zaglossus bruijnii.

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11y ago

The scientific name of the long-beaked echidna of Papua New Guinea is Zaglossus bruijni. Also known as the Western Long-beaked echidna, within this species are two other sub-species: Sir David's long-beaked echidna (Zaglossus attenborougi) and the Eastern long-beaked echidna (Zaglossus bartoni). There is still some disagreement among scientists as to whether these are three separate species, or three sub-species. To date, they are officially sub-species.

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3d ago

The scientific name for an echidna is Tachyglossus aculeatus.

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There is no specific name given to a female echidna. It is just a female echidna.

What is the proper name for the echidna?

Echidna IS the proper name for the echidna. It is sometimes referred to as a spiny anteater, but as it is not a member of the anteater family, this is a misnomer.

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A female echidna does not have any particular name. It is just a female echidna.

What is another name for the echidna's spikes?

The echidna's spikes are called spines.

What is the echidna's other name?

The echidna is sometimes known as the spiny anteater.

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Spiny anteater is a common name for the echidna.

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Aside from the occasional nickname, Knuckles the Echidna is the only name Knuckles has been given.

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Name the world's only two monotremes?

The world's only two monotrems are the platypus and the echidna. There are actually two distinct species of echidna - the short-beaked echidna and the long-beaked echidna.

How long do the echidna's spikes get?

The correct name for the echidna's spikes is 'spines'. The echidna's spines grow up to 50 mm (5 cm) in length.

What is the name of the white echidna from Sonic?

Are you sure he's an Echidna? He might be a hedgehog, and if he is, he's called silver.