

What is the scientific name for tawny frogmouth?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Podargus strigoides

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Q: What is the scientific name for tawny frogmouth?
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Related questions

When was Tawny Frogmouth created?

Tawny Frogmouth was created in 1801.

What type of bird is the Australian tawny frogmouth?

The tawny frogmouth is a nocturnal, carnivorous birds which is closely related to the family of nightjars.

Is a tawny frog mouth endangered?

No, the Tawny Frogmouth is not an endangered species.

Where does the Tawny Frogmouth live?

The tawny frogmouth lives all throughout Australia and also in Papua New Guinea. Including Tasmania btw.

What baby are tawny frogmouths called?

A baby tawny frogmouth is called a chick.

How long after birth is a Tawny Frogmouth able to fly?

Tawny Frogmouths fledge at 25-35 days.

What is a tawny owls main food?

If your talking about the tawny frogmouth they eat small things like mice,rats,beetles and small birds.And tawny frogmouths aren't owls.

What are some birds of prey?

Eagle, King fisher, Owl, tawny frogmouth, ext.

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The accepted scientific name is Asterocampa clyton.

Where does the Tawny Frogmouth breed?

Tawny Frogmouths breed anywhere over Australia (apart from the dense rainforests). Their nest is usually located on a horizontal forked branch of a tree.

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The scientific or taxonomic name would be Phyciodes batesii.

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The accepted scientific name is Polites baracoa.