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Q: What is the scientific word for when a seed first starts to grow?
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What is the first part of the plant that grows?

the seed splits open and the plant starts to grow.

When a seed sprouts into a plant?

When a plant starts to grow from a seed we say the seed germinates.

When a seed starts to grow is called?


Is the dormant seed first part of plant to grow?

Yes. All growth starts from a seed, unless the plant is propagated by cuttings or other methods.

What is the term for a seed that starts to grow into a plant?


Which part of the plant starts to grow first after a seed cracks open?

The radicle Because the seed is needs to take in water and nutrients from the ground and anchor itself in place.

What is the name of the very first leaves that grow out of a seed?

The first leaves that grow out of a seed are called the seed leaves(very origanal)

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How is germination held?

In germination the first step is the seed absorbs in all the water and starts to grow roots,leaves,the stem and flowers.

What is the order of germination?

After a seed is dispersed, it may remain inactive for a while before it germinates. Germination starts when the seed absorbs water from the environment . The embryo then uses its stored food to grow, first the embryo's roots start to grow downward. After that, the stem starts to grow upward and leaves begin to form. Once you can see the plant's leaves, it is a seedling. The environmental factors must also be just right, such as temperature and moisture.

What does a seed need first to grow?


What is the first thing a seed will grow?

The root.