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There is lot of scope for those who require to make career in psychology: Online teaching, blogging etc are some of most convenient methods that a user can choose or opt for, one such way is face to face study (online teaching platform)

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8y ago
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1mo ago

Educational psychology focuses on understanding how people learn and develop within educational settings. Its scope includes studying factors influencing learning, teaching methods, curriculum design, student motivation, and classroom management. By applying psychological principles to educational practices, it aims to improve teaching effectiveness, enhance student learning outcomes, and promote overall well-being in educational settings.

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14y ago

Scope of educational Sociology- There are two schools of thought with different viewpoints regarding scope and subject matter of educational sociology- 1-formal school and 2-synthetic school. According to formal school sociology was conceived to be a social science with a specifically defined field. This school had George Simmel, Ferdinand Tonnies, Alfred Vierkantt and Leopard Von Wiese as its main advocates. On the other hand the synthetic school with Durkheim, Hobhouse and Sorokin advocated a synthesis in form of coordination among all Social Sciences. Formal school argued in favor of giving sociology a definite subject matter to make its clear picture. It emphasized upon the study of forms of social relationships and regarded sociology as independent. According to Simmel sociology is a specific social science which describes, classifies, and analyses the forms of social relationships or in other words social interactions should be classified into various forms or types . Simmel argued that social interactions have various forms. This can be undersood with the help of one example. In a glass one can fill water ,milk or wine.the shape/form will remain same. Its content can not change the form of glass. So study of glass is important. Same way in Sociology one has to study only forms of relations.The study of content should be avoided. The study of contents will be done by other social science like economics ,political science etc.According to Simmel both things are different .(picture of glass can be added) He carried out studies of such formal relationships as cooperation, competition, conflict etc.. He emphasized on the process of abstraction of these forms from human relationship which are common to diverse situations .Vierkantt maintained that sociology should be concerned with ultimate forms of mental or psychic relationship which knit the people together in a society. According to Von Wiese there are two kinds of fundamental social processes in human society. Firstly the associative process concerning contact, approach, adaptation etc and secondly disassociate processes like competition and conflict. Apart from these two processes a mixed form of the associative and non-associative also exists. Each of these processes has sub-classes which in totality give approximately 650 forms of human relationships. Sociology should confine itself to the discovery of the fundamental force of change and persistence and should abstain from a historical study of concrete societies. Tonnies divided societies into two categories namely Gemeinschaft (community) and Gesellschaft (association) on the basis of degree of intimacy among the members of the society. He has on the basis of forms of relationship tried to differentiate between community and society.Max Weber also makes out a definite field for sociology. According to him the aim of sociology is to interpret or understand social behaviour.But social behavior does not cover the whole field of human relations. Indeed not all human interactions are social. Sociology is concerned with the analysis and classification of types of social relationships. Max weber also supported his views by saying that one should restrict his study only up to social actions. Criticism of formal School Formal school has been criticized on the issue that it has emphasized on merely abstract forms and neglected the concrete contents of social life. Abstract forms separated from concrete relations cannot be studied. Social relations are not like the form of glass ,whose contents wont change its form. Ginsberg says that a study of social relationships would remain barren if it is conducted in the abstract without the full knowledge of the terms to which in concrete life they relate. Sociology doesn't alone study the forms of social relationship. Political science, International law also studies forms of social relationship. The conception of pure sociology is not practical as no social science can be studied in isolation from other social sciences. Synthetic School of Sociology Synthetic school wanted sociology to be synthesis of the social sciences and thus wanted to widen the scope of sociology. According to Durkheim, sociology has three principal divisions' namely-Social morphology, social physiology and general sociology. Social morphology is concerned with geographical or territorial basis of life of people such as population, its size, density and distribution etc. This can be done at two levels -analysis of size and quality of population which affects the quality of social relationship and social groups. Secondly the study of social structure or description of the main forms of social groups and institutions with their classification. Social physiology deals with the genesis and nature of various social institutions namely religion, morals, law and economic institutions etc.In general sociology the main aim is to formulate general social laws. Attempt is made to find out if there are links among various institutions which would be treated independently in social physiology and in the course to discover general social laws.Hobhouse perceived sociology as a science which has the whole social life of man as its sphere. Its relations with the other social sciences are considered to be one of mutual exchange and mutual stimulation. Karl Mannheim's divides sociology into two main sections-systematic and general sociology and historical sociology. Systematic sociology describes one by one the main factors of living together as far as they may be found in every kind of society. The historical sociology deals with the historical variety and actuality of the general forms of society. It falls into two sections-comparative sociology and social dynamics. Comparative sociology deals mainly with the historical variations of the same phenomenon and tries to find by comparison general features as separated from industrial features. Social dynamics deals with the interrelations between the various social factors and institutions in a certain given society for example in a primitive society. Ginsberg has summed up the chief functions of sociology as it seeks to provide a classification of types and forms of social relationships especially of those which have come to be defined institutions and associations. It tries to determine the relation between different parts of factors of social life for example the economic and political, the moral and the legal, the intellectual and the social elements. It endeavors to disentangle the fundamental conditions of social change and persistence and to discover sociological principles governing social life. Conclusion Thus on the basis of viewpoints of different sociologists we can get a general outline of the scope of sociology. Firstly the analysis of various institutions, associations and social groups which are results of social relationships of individuals should be the concern of sociology. Secondly the links among different parts of society should be studied. This objective is dealt with justice by functionalist school of sociology and Marxist school also gives importance to this viewpoint. Thus social structure should be given adequate importance in subject matter of sociology. Thirdly sociology addresses itself to the factors which contribute to social stability and social change. Fourthly sociology should also explain the trend of the changing pattern and the aftermath of the changes in the society

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9y ago

Educational psychology is much more general, and has many different applications. Most teachers study educational psychology as part of teacher training. it involves emotional and psychological issues that affect all children, plus understanding the abnormal psychology of children who have serious problems. Some therapists are trained in educational psychology

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12y ago

"Those studying educational psychology will be studying a variety of concepts, including basic psychology, a comprehensive class on human development, and how education is processed by the brain in order to provide students with the best education."

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14y ago

it is the study of human behavior

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11y ago

educational psychology and its scope

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Definitions of Educational psychology by different psychologists?

According to William James, educational psychology is the science of the laws of mental development. John Dewey viewed educational psychology as the study of educative processes in relation to the development of the child. Jean Piaget described educational psychology as the study of how individuals acquire knowledge and develop cognitive abilities within an educational context.

How can you use educational psychology in your classroom?

Educational psychology can be used in the classroom to inform teaching strategies, understand student behaviors, and promote student engagement and motivation. By applying principles of educational psychology, teachers can create a more effective and positive learning environment for their students.

Who is the father of educational psycology?

William James is often credited as the father of educational psychology for his work in understanding the human mind and applying it to educational theories and practices. His book "The Principles of Psychology" was influential in shaping the field of educational psychology.

Differentiate between psychology and educational psychology?

Psychology is the study of mental processes and behavior, while educational psychology focuses specifically on how people learn and develop within educational settings. Educational psychology applies psychological theories and research to educational practices, such as teaching methods, curriculum design, and student assessment.

Definition of educational psychology?

Educational psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on understanding how people learn and retain information. It involves studying factors such as intelligence, cognitive development, motivation, and assessment to improve educational practices and outcomes. Educational psychologists apply their knowledge to enhance teaching methods, curriculum design, and student success.

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How is educational psychology different from other forms psychology?

Educational psychology assesses and treats both students and the educational environment to help students learn and adjust in school.

Definitions of Educational psychology by different psychologists?

According to William James, educational psychology is the science of the laws of mental development. John Dewey viewed educational psychology as the study of educative processes in relation to the development of the child. Jean Piaget described educational psychology as the study of how individuals acquire knowledge and develop cognitive abilities within an educational context.

What has the author Commins written?

Commins has written: 'Principles of educational psychology' -- subject(s): Educational psychology

What is the difference between general and general and educational psychology?

what is difference between general Psychology and educational psycholgy

How can you use educational psychology in your classroom?

Educational psychology can be used in the classroom to inform teaching strategies, understand student behaviors, and promote student engagement and motivation. By applying principles of educational psychology, teachers can create a more effective and positive learning environment for their students.

What has the author Roxana Moreno written?

Roxana Moreno has written: 'Educational psychology' -- subject(s): Educational psychology

What has the author E Stones written?

E. Stones has written: 'Educational objectives, and the teaching of educational psychology' -- subject(s): Educational psychology 'Readings in educational psychology' -- subject(s): Educational psychology, Addresses, essays, lectures 'The great fire of London' -- subject(s): Study and teaching, Social life and customs, Fire, 1666

Who is the father of educational psycology?

William James is often credited as the father of educational psychology for his work in understanding the human mind and applying it to educational theories and practices. His book "The Principles of Psychology" was influential in shaping the field of educational psychology.

What does an educational psychologist do?

•Educational psychology is the study of how humans learn in educational settings. An educational psychology is concerned with how students learn and develop, often focusing on subgroups such as gifted children and those subject to specific disabilities. •Educational psychology can in part be understood through its relationship with other disciplines

Differentiate between psychology and educational psychology?

Psychology is the study of mental processes and behavior, while educational psychology focuses specifically on how people learn and develop within educational settings. Educational psychology applies psychological theories and research to educational practices, such as teaching methods, curriculum design, and student assessment.