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there is no second clue in book 1. It's the first book but the clue is iron solute

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Q: What is the second clue in The Maze of Bones?
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What is the problem in the maze of bones?

amy and don have trouble finding the second clue.

What did the stack of bones mean in book titled The Maze of Bones.?

It was a puzzle with coordinates leading to the second clue.

Where is the last clue in the maze of bones?

In my pants

What was the last clue in maze of bones?

iron solute

What is the clue in maze of bones-the 39 clues?

iron solute

How many pages are in the Maze of Bones?

Maze of Bones is written by Rick Riordan. It is the first book in the 39 clue series. It has 220 pages.

How do Dan and Amy solve the problem in the maze of bones?

they find the clue

How did Dan change in the maze of bones?

he realizes that they had to win the clue hunt

Where did Amy and Dan find the last clue in the maze of bones?

Amy and Dan found the last clue in the Maze of Bones in England, specifically in Westminster Abbey.

What is the first clue in The Maze of Bones?

The first clue in The Maze of Bones, the first book in The 39 Clues series, is hidden in a piece of sheet music belonging to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

What is the answer to the book puzzle to the maze of bones?

Im not sure, but i think it's because every time they found a clue, they would find bones.

What is the resolution in the 39 clues maze of bones?

In "The 39 Clues: Maze of Bones," the resolution involves Amy and Dan Cahill locating the final clue in Benjamin Franklin's grave beneath Christ Church in Philadelphia. They discover the clue, a tuning fork, and realize it represents the musical note "A" for Amy, who is a musical prodigy. This clue leads them to the next adventure in the series.