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Duodenum: the upper chamber of the Small Intestine.

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Q: What is the sensitive area of the small intestine which exerts control over the entire digestive tract?
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The blank is the sensitive upper area of the small intestine which exerts control over the entire digestive tract?

probably the duodenum

What is the scientific name of intestine?

please help us answer this question!

What process moves materials threw the small intestine?

Perastalsis, the wave of muscular contractions that moves food through the entire digestive system.

Is the small intestine hollow?

The small intestine is, indeed, hollow running 20 feet.

Through which structures do wastes pass into the rectum?

Food passes through your entire digestive tract before it reaches your rectum. That means that food goes into your esophagus, then your stomach, then your small intestine, and then your large intestine before it reaches your rectum.

Where does digestion take place in the digestive system?

It takes place in the stomach and a little in the small intestine. The small intestines bigger job is to suck up the nutrients. The large intestine really just pushes the "stuff" inside of you to the rectum which makes the "stuff" harder.

What is the entire outline of thedigestive tract?

The outline of the digestive tract is where the food enters and exits the body through the process of digestion. The parts of the body included in this process are mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas, liver, and gall bladder.

How long is a human's intestines?

The digestive tract of an adult human varies, but is about 25 feet long.

What are the specific regions and anatomical landmarks of the large intestine?

The large intestine consists of three distinct regions: 1) the cecum, 2) the colon, and 3) the rectum. The cecum is the first section of the large intestine below the ileocecal valve. The appendix is attached to the cecum. Since the colon (ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid colon) is the largest region of the large intestine, the term "colon" is often applied to the entire large intestine. The rectum (rectum, anal canal, and anus) is the final region of the large intestine and the end of the digestive tract

How does the small intestine work with the digestive system?

Here. Look up on Wiki Answers "how does the small intestine work with other systems?" If this doesn't help type in this question on google. There is a great answer on this site for it. I had the same question :)

How long does the entire digestive process take?

The digestive process takes 6 hours to complete.

how long does it take your digestive system to digest a slice of pizza?

After you eat, it takes about six to eight hours for food to pass through your stomach and small intestine. It takes about 36 hours for food to move through the entire colon.