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Q: What is the sentence structure How can I tell you that I like you?
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What structure is used in this sentence How can tell you that love you?


What is sentence scrupture?

It seems like there might be a typo in your question. If you meant "What is a sentence structure?" then sentence structure refers to the way words are organized in a sentence, including the order of words, phrases, and clauses to convey meaning. Good sentence structure is important for clear communication.

What structure is used in this sentence mom knows who ate the last piece of pie but wont tell?

The structure used in this sentence is a compound sentence. It consists of two independent clauses, "Mom knows who ate the last piece of pie" and "but won't tell," joined by the coordinating conjunction "but."

What is this structure?

What sentence structure is this? - It is a simple structure for an interrogative sentence.

What is the word for sentence structure?

Sentence Structure

What are examples of a parallel sentence?

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. Parallel structure is when the sentence is basically the same with different words. The structure of the sentence is the same in both cases. The words of the sentence may be different in both cases.

What is the structure of the sentence mom knows who ate the last piece of pie but she won't tell.?

compound-complex A+

Kinds of sentence according to structure?

kinds of sentence according to structure

What does mean alter sentence structure?

means to change the structure of sentence

What is is a concluding sentence?

A Concluding Sentence is the last sentence of a paragraph(s), it summarizes everything that you just wrote about and it is somewhat like your Introduction Sentence. Usually, your concluding sentence will say something like "In conclusion," or "Therefore," or "To summarize." Basically, when writing a formal paper, you have three steps -- "Tell them what you're going to tell them" (the Introduction), "Tell them" (the Body), and "Tell them what you just told them" (the Conclusion).

Could anyone show me the structure of a Korean sentence?

The basic sentence structure in Korean is Subject Object Verb (SOV). Example: I like books. 좋아합니다 저는 = I (subject) 책을 = books (object) 좋아합니다 = like (verb)

What does a shape of a crystal tell you about the structure of a crystal?

I the crystal is shaped like a banana then it's ions of the internal structure are shaped like an apple. And vise versa.