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Q: What is the sequence of events along an axon?
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What do you call events that occur in a sequence?

You call them 'sequence of events'.

Electrical change in the neuronal membrane that is transmitted along axon is?

Action potential is the term for an electrical change in the neuronal membrane transmitted along an axon. The axon is part of a nerve cell that conducts impulses.

A factor that determines the rate of impulse propagation or conduction velocity along an axon?

The speed at which neural impulses are transmitted. Diameter of the axon Degree of myelination of the axon

What is the sequence of events that correlates to the sequence of events of a nerve impulse?


What signal travels along the axon?

The high-speed signals that pass along the axon are called action potentials. They spread in a wave of depolarization.

Which is the correct sequence in the transmission of a neural impulse?

dendrite, cell body, axon, synapse

What purpose does the myelin covering an axon serve?

insulating sheath that speeds up the transmission of impulses along an axon

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it is a sequence of events in a story or how to

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Where are action potentials regenerated as they propagate along a myelinated axon?

First at the axon hillock where the neural impulse is initially triggered, and then at the nodes of Ranvier as the impulse continues to travel along the axon.(Note that the impulse travels as electrotonic conduction between the nodes of Ranvier, underneath the glial cells which myelinate the axon.)

A record of events told in sequence is called?

historyA record of events told in sequence is called a Chronicle.