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Lucia di Lammermoor is a dramma tragico(tragic opera) in three acts by Gaetano Donizetti in 1835.

Donizetti wrote Lucia di Lammermoor when several factors led to the height of his reputation as a composer of opera. Gioachino Rossini had recently retired and Vincenzo Bellini had died shortly before the premier of Lucia leaving Donizetti as "the sole reigning genius of Italian opera".

Not only were conditions ripe for Donizetti's success as a composer, but there was also a European interest in the history and culture of Scotland. The perceived romance of its violent wars and feuds, as well as its folklore and mythology, intrigued 19th century readers and audiences. Sir Walter Scott made use of these stereotypes in his novel The Bride of Lammermoor, which inspired several musical works including Lucia.

The story concerns the emotionally fragile Lucy Ashton (Lucia) who is caught in a feud between her own family and that of the Ravenswoods. The setting is the Lammermuir Hills of Scotland (Lammermoor) in the 17th century.

There is a tragic "Mad" scene that is not to be missed and can be seen on YouTube.

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Q: What is the serious or tragic opera of the 18th and early 19th centuries?
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