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Q: What is the serving size for cantaloupe?
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actually.. 1 clementine = 1 portion per: lesliebeck. You can check out the website.

How many servings are in a small cantaloupe?

depends on how big or small you want the pieces to be

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Does cantaloupe have calories?

Anything will be fattening if you eat too much of it. But cantaloupe, being fairly low in carbohydrates, isn't fattening in reasonable amounts.

How big is a canteloupe?

The following is copied from: How_big_is_a_cantaloupe:"A cantaloupe is usually about a half a foot in diameter or less.Roughly the size of your head."So, this equates to approximately 15 cm or less.A cantaloupe is usually about a half a foot in diameter or less.Roughly the size of your head.

How many carbs in a serving of cantaloupe?

Carbohydrates in a cup of cantaloupe melon16 carbohydrates in 1 cup of cantaloupe melon balls14 carbohydrates in 1 cup of cantaloupe melon cubes14 carbohydrates in 1 cup of cantaloupe melon diced2-2½ carbohydrates in 1 oz or 28g of cantaloupe melonFor the carbohydrates other fruits, and vegetables, and for free fruit and vegetable carbohydrate charts that you can use as daily guides for either weight loss or weight maintenance, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Sources and Related Links..

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5 ritz crackers is a serving size.

How do you find a serving size?

You find a serving size by looking at the nutrition label.

How can you convert 18lbs into one serving size?

no matter what you do, 18 pounds is not a serving size

The first place you need to look on the Nutrition Facts label is the serving size?

Serving Size.

How much is a serving of fruits?

You should have 4-6 servngs of fruit a day i hope i could help it all depends on the fruit and the size, for instance a medium orange is considered one serving of fruit and a 1/2 cup of cantaloupe is considered one serving. You can contact a nutrition specialist if you want more information or get a copy of the food guide, it will usually give examples of what counts as one serving in each category.

How much does fresh cantaloupe cost?

It depends on where you are located and what price your closest gorocery store has decided on. that of course depends on where you buy it, what season it is and the size of the fruit. In Canada you can purchase a cantaloupe for $3 most of the time.