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Q: What is the shaking of the ground from energy?
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A shaking of the ground caused by the sudden release of energy in Earth's crust?

It is an earthquake

What is an earthqueke?

Earthquakes are movements or shaking of the ground that happened when blocks of rock move suddenly and release energy.

What are all the main features of a earthquake?

The feature of an earthquake is a really/big energy of the ground shaking and it can also go side to side.

What is a device use to record the shaking of the grounds?

A seismometer measures the shaking of the ground.

What intensifies ground shaking or cause the ground to settle?


Shaking of the ground that precedes an earthquake?


What is the shaking of the ground that precedes an earthquake?


What is the behavior of an earthquake?

shaking ground and cracking

What are the characteristics of an earthquake?

sudden shaking of the ground

What is shaking and ground rupture?

Shaking and Ground rupture are the effects of earthquake. Ground shaking is the disruptive up and down and sideways motion experienced during an earthquake. And, Ground Rupture is the creation of new or the renewed movements of old fractures, oftentimes with the two blocks on both sides moving in opposite directions.

How did the Christchurch earthquake affect the crops?

ground is shaking

What is the term used to measure ground shaking?
