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A tea chest appears to come in a couple of different shapes. Some of them are rectangular, while others are bombe-shaped. They're generally made out of wood, but one search yielded a tea chest made out of tin.

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Related questions

What is a tea chest and where can I buy one?

A tea chest is a small,polished wooden box with a hinged lid, holding an assortment of teas, either neatly arranged tea bags.

Where can I find more information on tea chest?

You can visit for more information on storing tea - including using tea chests. You can visit for ratings and reviews on different tea chests.

When 300 chest of the tea were dumped into Boston harbor what was the event called?

the Boston tea party

Which word contains a smaller word meaning container for tea?

"Chest" contains the smaller word "tea".

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A deep Freezer can have any shape or size. When its in the shape of a chest, its known as a chest freezer. A chest freezer is the same as a deep Freezer. By National Refrigeration Company, Darya Ganj, New-Delhi

How many chest of tea was dumped overboard during the Boston tea party?

Approximately 342 chests of tea were dumped overboard during the Boston Tea Party.

Where can I purchase tea chest online?

I think auctions can have those type of things for sell. Online auctions would be ebay. Amazon might also be some general type website which has that tea chest. It has everything else.

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You can find one when you open a Gold Chest

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Tea balls ...they are probably referring to tea strainers. Containers that are sometimes in ball shape usually with a chain for lowering into your mug after you unscrew the ball and put in loose tea.

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Boston Tea Party facts?

Britain Passed the tea act, which put taxes on the tea. When Britain didn't repeal (withdraw the law/act) they dressed as indians, climbed on British tea ships, cracked and threw overboard 324 chest of tea in revolt to the tea act. hope I helped :D ~thisisnotaname

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