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Q: What is the shelf life of pickling lime?
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Can you replace citric acid for pickling lime?

Pickling lime used to be an accepted method of adding crispness to pickled cucumbers. The USDA no longer recommends use of pickling lime. Pickling lime is alkaline and must all be washed off of the cucumbers or it can result in a less acidic pickling solution. It the pickling solution is not acidic enough it can allow botulism an environment in which to grow. Botulism cases have been linked to this situation and this is the reason it is no longer recommended.

What are some traditional methods used by different cultures to extend the shelf life of foods?

These include storage in the dark, drying, adding salt and pickling.

Differences between lime water and lime juice?

Lime water is calcium hydroxide diluted in water while lime juice is the juice from lime fruit which contains different chemicals like vitamin c, citric acid, and sugars.

Why is calcium hydroxide and limewater caOH2?

Ca(OH)2 is Calcium hydroxide (by chemical name), also known as lime, slaked lime, slack lime or pickling lime (by trivial and geological name)Limewater is the name of saturated solution of it in water.

What are examples of pickling food?

Examples of pickling food are :Pickled onionsBeetroot that comes in a jar with vinegar inKeeping anything in a cool dry place soaking in vinegarHope you fine this usefulxxx

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Yes, DNA does have a shelf life. It has a shelf life of about four years if it is properly preserved.

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