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Short strands of DNA are called a plasmid except that they are found in circular configurations and are often called vectors.

RNA are short stands of DNA except for one different base.

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Q: What is the short strand of DNA called?
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Name of the DNA strand which is copied to make mRNA?

This is typically called the template DNA, which is the anti-sense strand of DNA. The strand that is not transcribed is called the sense strand.

What is a single strand of DNA used for DNA testing called?

A single strand of DNA used for DNA testing is called PCR

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Transcription makes a complementary strand of the DNA?

This Process Is Called DNA Transcription. *Apex*

What is the new strand called in Dna replication?

semiconservative replication - original DNA double strand will unwind into 2 strands, so one original strand will serve as a template for synthesizing a new complementary strand , thus forming a new DNA (one with old strand and one with a new strand)

The strand of DNA that is not transcribed is called the strand.?

RNA polymerase runs in one direction and is making up a single strand of mRNA. So, the strand not copied in the antiparallel double stranded DNA is called the nonsense strand. ( sense strand is copied )

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DNA replication that unzip the DNA strand is?

DNA replication is a process where the double-stranded DNA molecule is unwound, or unzipped, by enzymes called helicases. This unwinding allows for the separation of the two parental DNA strands, which then serve as templates for the synthesis of new DNA strands.

What does the synthesis of a new strand of DNA begin?

Following the initiation of DNA replication, the first step is the synthesis of a short RNA primer.

What is RTase?

An enzyme called reverse transcriptase, which creates a DNA strand from an mRNA strand.

What is the Thread like strand made of DNA called?

Chromatin. The proteins are histones, used to organize and compact the DNA.

What is a cell's complement of DNA called?

Be more clear with your question please. The complement of a single strand of DNA is the other strand. The complement to the single DNA strand "ATCGGTA" would be "TAGCCAT" The mRNA complement of the DNA strand ATCGGTA is UAGCCAU The tRNA anticodon of the DNA strand ATCGGTA is UTCGGTU Hope that helps A cell's endovment of DNA, its genetic information is called its genome