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£££££££££££ the pound sign. Is the sign for British currency.

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Q: What is the sign England UK currency?
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What is the national currency of England?

Technically, England isn't a nation. The UK currency is the pound sterling.

Do England and the UK have the same currency?

England is a part of the UK, as also are Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. They all have the same currency, the Pound Sterling.

Can you accept northern Ireland money in England?

The currency of Northern Ireland is UK currency. The pound stirling

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The economic climate in England and the UK is in a parlous state presently. This is in line with most economies of the world due to the international effect of a poor global economy. The currency of England and the UK is the pound sterling. (£ GBP)

What is the unit of currency and its symbol in England?

England is part of the United Kingdom. The currency in the UK is the British pound (also called the pound sterling), symbol: £

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British currency, pounds sterling, has always worked for me in the UK. I have never had to change it

What is the difference between UK pounds and UK sterling pounds?

Yes, England's currency is the British pound sterling.

What is a UK pound?

Also known as the Pound Sterling is the official currency of the United Kingdom and England.

What currency of England?

The pound (They do not use the Euro!)....The whole of the UK (which includes England) uses the Pound Sterling (GBP) (£).

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The currency of the UK (which includes England), is the pound sterling (£)(GBP). Dollars and cents aren't used.

Countries that don't have euros as their currency?

United Kingdom (UK) including England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland.

What is international telephone code to England?

For the Internet, the two-letter abbreviation for England is .uk For other purposes, such as currency codes, the two-letter abbreviation for England is GB.