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The significance of a rainbow can be used as to define being gay.

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Q: What is the significance of a rainbow?
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What is the significance of the sign of the covenant God made with Noah?

The rainbow.

What does rainbow mean to spirit?

Rainbow is a combination of seven colors and each individual color has its own significance. It gives the psychological strength in that when people of different caliber and better qualities combine a new variety which is more superior to individual effect can be observed. Looking at rainbow helps to revive the dying spirit.

What is the significance of the Rainbow Warrior in the novel The Tomorrow Code?

The Tomorrow Code has a strong environmental theme. The Rainbow Warrior was a boat belonging to Greenpeace that was sunk by French saboteurs in Auckland, New Zealand in 1985. In this book the boat is symbolic of the way mankind treats the environment.

What is the meaning when a rainbow appears in your house?

This probably means you are on a hallucinogenic drug, because that's impossible. Sunlight entering the house is being refracted through a piece of glass, such as a vase, which is acting as a prism and thus causing a rainbow effect. There is no significance or meaning to such a phenomenon.

Do rainbow have pink?

The rainbow does not have pink in it.

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Rainbow Racers Rainbow Racers Rainbow Racers Rainbow Racers Rainbow Racers Rainbow Racers

How do you make an over the rainbow cupcake On More Cupcakes?

Rainbow Batter, rainbow frosting and rainbow sprinkles in a rainbow cupcake liner

What does the rainbow mean in the rainbow portrait?

The rainbow represents peace.

Who is Rainbow Ponyta?

Rainbow Ponyta looks like a rainbow

What do you call in a band of colors as seen in a rainbow?

a rainbow

What is rainbow in french?


What is a rainbow made out of and who created a rainbow?

the rainbow was a sign of a promise and the erson who made the rainbow was God (Jesus Christ)