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*SPOILER ALERT* E.K. Hornbeck, the English reporter, will bail out Cates when the verdict is heard.

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Q: What is the significance of a reporter from England attending the trial from the book Inherit the Wind?
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Who is the news reporter in Inherit the Wind?

E.K. Hornbeck is the reporter in the play, and H.L. Mencken is the reporter in the real-life trial.

Gene Kelly's role in Inherit The Wind?

Gene Kelly played as E.K. Hornbeck, the news reporter, in the 1960 movie, Inherit the Wind.

When do you use Lady in England?

If they have the title of a Lady. So you have to be made a Lady or inherit it.

What purpose does Hornbeck serve in the play Inherit the Wind?

E.K. Hornbeck is a reporter in the play, Inherit the Wind. *SPOILER ALERT* - After Cates is found guilty and Drummond appeals the case to a higher court, Hornbeck secretly pays the bail for Cates.

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Ermm his wife then brother

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Hornbeck is a cynical newspaper reporter in "Inherit the Wind." He is witty, sarcastic, and acts as a keen observer of the events unfolding in the play, often providing a critical perspective on the actions and motivations of the other characters. Hornbeck is known for his sharp tongue and his disdain for hypocrisy.

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Here are a few examples: The queen ruled England with an iron fist. The queen has ruled England for more than 50 years. After England's reigning queen dies, Prince Charles will inherit the throne.

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we should value it because it symbols what your parents had and their favorite things passed on to you

What do lions inherit?

The Inherit the Structure of Cats.