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Some have said hat the magicians that came from the Oriental parts were agents of the Devil, because they stoped by Herod so that he could destroy Jesus.

However, this makes absolutely no sense, because it would have been very easy for Jehovah to block them or send them astray, and He did not. He allowed them to visit his son and worship him, and through his servants Mary and Joseph he accepted their gifts, gold, incense and mirr.

Now, this posts an important question, if Jehovah plainly forbade magical arts to his people, why did he allow this magicians to visit, worship and contribute his son?

The only possible answer is that God is more tolerant than we think. He sees peoples hearts and motivations, and forgives error if it is by ignorance. According to The Bible he is not partiall, but accepts in all nations, people that are just. However, the word translated magicians comes from the word magoi, which aplied to Oriental Zoroastrian priests, which were monotheistic worshipers of Aura Mazda, the Creator. Zoroastrianism condemns demonc practices up to the present time. Some have theorized that they were babilionian priests.

In fact Cyrus the Great was zoroastrian and recognized the God of the Jews as the true god; and helped the Jews to return to their land.

When Cyrus dominated Babilon, the zoroastrian religion, became in contact with the exiled Jews and their priest learned about their prophets and about the expecte Messiah, which was also foretold by Zaratustra their prophet.

This means that Jehovah God accepted the worship of the Magoi, not the worship of ocultic magicians, with demonic practices.

So, the significance of this pasage, would be, that we, as christians should be tolerant with all people, and not discriminate them for their believes, even if they are wrong in our opinion. Let God be the judge. Don't think that because someone does not practice your religion, is going to be destroyed or even worst is going to an imaginary hell fire.

Another practical aplication of the principle thaught in this pasage would be this:

There are strong reasons why a true christian should not celebrate christmass, but, if someone wishes you a merry Christmas or gives you a gift during the season, it would not be christian to give a sad answer or to reject the gift.

Tradition says that the magoi were baptized by Thomas the apostle when he went on his mission to the Orient.

Calling them foreigners, would mean non Jewish or non practicants of the Jewish religion, which was the religion of Jesus and his parents.

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