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The land of Israel is the land that God promised to the Israelites (in Genesis ch.12, ch.15 and elsewhere).

The covenant is the contract binding the Jewish people to God (see Exodus ch.19 and Deuteronomy 26:16-19).

Monotheism is the most basic of all of the Jewish beliefs.

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Q: What is the significance of the Land of Israel the covenant and monotheism to Judaism and Jewish people?
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How is monotheism manifested in the life of Israel?

I'm not exactly sure how you would "manifest" monotheism, but signs of Israel's monotheism come from the various prayer sites across the country for the three monotheistic faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Many adherents from all three visit the various houses of worship.

Does judaism have a place of significance?

A Jewish house of worship is called synagogue. The country of Israel is also of deep significance to Jews.

Where in Israel was Judaism founded in?

There is no exact location in Israel mentioned as where Abraham formed his covenant with God according to the Bible. According to Jewish religious tradition, Abraham's covenant with God (Genesis ch.15) was made on the slopes of Mount Hermon, where a stone monument still marks the spot. The covenant in Genesis ch.17 was made in Hebron, Israel. Scholars usually claim that Judaism was founded either by King Josiah of Judah or during the Babylonian Exile Period. If the former is correct, then Judaism was born in Jerusalem. If the latter is correct, Judaism was born in the city of Babylon in Iraq.

Who is the founder of Judaism?


How important is the covenant to Judaism?

It is at the very center of Judaism, or rather, it is the central defining feature of Judaism. First note that the Hebrew Scriptures discuss several covenants, the covenant of the rainbow made with Noah and his sons, the covenant of the parts made with Abraham are examples. However, when someone says "the covenant" they are usually asking about the covenant made between God and the Children of Israel at Siani. Jews traditionally hold that the entire Torah (quibbling about the final verses) is the product of that covenant and that all 613 commandments found in the Torah are part of this covenant.

What is the significance of Palestine the covenant and monotheism to Judaism and the Jews?

OK, let's look at them in order: Monotheism - this is the belief that there is only one G-d. Judaism was the first organised faith to be Monotheistic, and to insist that followers remain loyal to and worship only the one true G-d, and nothing and nobody else. This was in stark contrast to the many Pagan and Mystery religions around at the time, which featured multiple deities. Covenant: - Abraham, the 'founder' of Judaism, made an eternal covenant with G-d, on behalf of his descendants. The covenant, or contract, states that G-d will protect and watch over the Jews, if they remain loyal to him and only him. If they did that, G-d promised to bless them and to create from them 'great nations'. Palestine - this region was named JUDEA and it was the home of the Jews. Then the Romans conquered it and renamed it 'palestina' after the sea-faring Philistines, who had long since vanished. Although most of the Jews were then dispersed across the globe, some remained in the region and have lived there, continuously for the past 3000 years. The nation that we call Israel today is a tiny sliver of the region. Israel is the national, religious and spiritual home of the Jews. It is vital to Jewish people to have a safe Israel, because history has shown that whenever Jews are the minority in other countries, they have suffered terribly. So we must have one tiny corner of the globe where we determine our own security and fate. I recommend the book EXODUS by Leon Uris, which is the best and most moving novel to ever deal with the history of Israel. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What are the factors that aided Judaism?

God's covenant and His help. The fact that the Jews possessed a religious text (The Torah). The fact that for many centuries Judaism was based in one location (Israel).

Who was the people that found Judaism?

Abraham founded Judaism.

Where is the Holy Land and what significance does it have to some of the world's largest religions?

The Holy Land is Israel; and it's where Judaism and Christianity started.

What different about the Jewish religion?

Abraham, founder of Judaism, was surrounded by various Pagan cults and religions, all of which were Polytheistic - they worshiped an array of deities. Judaism was a radical departure from this. Abraham made an eternal covenant with the Gd of Israel in which he vowed to stay true to this, the true Gd. In return, Gd would protect Abraham and all of his decedents. Judaism was the first organised faith to advocate pure Monotheism, then. This made it totally different from the religions and cults that surrounded the early Israelites.

Where does Judaism dominant?

In Israel, where Judaism is 75% of the population.

Who was the founder of Jews?

Abraham is considered to be the first Jew and therefore the founder of Judaism. There was no "founder of Jews."